Vasile Soponariu belongs to the 80s generation of the Sculpture School in Bucharest, where he came from Piatra Neamt in 1980. Less descriptive is, in his creative statement with notable participations, the bronze workshop aura of the regretted Ion (Jean) Pārvan and the passion for the shapes past into the fire.


Soponariu signed also symposium monumental pieces which disassemble the monolithic and disagree the symmetric static. Because the sculptor is fascinated by foldings and wrappers. And his vivid figurative who rushes is absolutely theatrical by the gesture costumes of the harlequins. Particular attention to slip differential bronze, beads rupture, roughness pleasure, are stylistic data which leaves to transpires at the sculptor Soponariu,  and his ceramist and glass maker skills , as expressive elements, is the main theme of glass sculpture which has an international representation, in the person of Matei Negreanu.


Vasile Soponariu, arrived at his straight, has all the details to make a synthesis of the arts of fire with a loquacious speech, storytelling and picturesque scenic.




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